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If you plan on being an active volunteer, you will need to fill out the volunteer application from PFISD's website.

After receiving your application approval, then you can sign up in Charms for specific volunteer opportunities!

The band boosters and scholarship foundation have multiple fundraisers throughout the summer and fall months. Every parent should plan on volunteering for 3 events. The band cannot perform or compete at their best without the help of volunteers! The band boosters and foundation raise money to pay for equipment, offset the parent costs and overall support the band especially during marching season.


Below are some examples for volunteering:

  • Concessions

    • Football Concessions both for Varsity at the Pfield home games and Kuempel Stadium for Junior Varsity games

    • Students can also volunteer at the JV games since the band does not play at those

    • We partner with 1883 to work UT concession games, including football, softball, volleyball, etc.

  • Bingo nights

  • Parent chaperone

  • Pit/Field crew at games and competitions

  • Pet clinic

  • Mattress fundraiser


A couple of passive fundraisers include:

Spirit Nights

Amazon Smile



The band boosters, through years of fundraising were able to purchase a second equipment trailer, add a hydraulic lift to it, and redo the wraps for the both trailers. Scholarship Foundation annually awards approximately $15,000 in scholarships for higher education and band needs.

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